Invited Talks & Demonstrations
- “Networked UAVs and Their Civilian Applications,” IEEE Smart Cities Seminar, March 9, 2021.
- “Scalable Uncertainty Evaluation for Learning Control and Differential Games,” Missouri University of Science and Technology, March 2, 2021.
- “Autonomy and Its Smart City Applications,” COE Virtual Brown Bag: Faculty Research Sessions, University of Texas at Arlington, February 2021.
- “Dynamical Networks and Control: An introduction,” Bell Flight, November 2020.
- “UAV Traffic Management, Control, and Optimization,” Bell Flight, October 2020.
- “Scalable Uncertainty Evaluation for Learning Control and Differential Games,” MathWorks Expert Panel on “Winning with AI: Can Reinforcement Learning game the real world, October 2020.
- “Networked UAVs and Their Civilian Applications,” 53rd Annual Transmission & Substation Design & Operation Symposium (TSDOS), September 2020.
- “Urban Aerial Mobility: The Cyber-Physical Systems Approach,” invited talk, Forum on Controls and Uses of Autonomous Vehicles. UTA, December 2019.
- Urban Aerial Mobility: The Cyber-Physical Systems Approach,” invited talk, NCTCOG UAS Safety and Integration Task Force Meeting, October 30, 2019.
- “Unmanned Vehicle Networks: Challenges and Opportunities,” invited talk, Osaka University, September 18, 2019.
- “Urban Aerial Mobility: Challenges and Opportunities,” invited keynote speech, Southeast Tarrant Transportation (SETT) Partnership Breakfast, September 11, 2019.
- “Unmanned Vehicle Networks: Challenges and Opportunities,” invited talk, Inaugural International Symposium on Cooperative Autonomous Systems (ISCAS 2019), August 2019.
- “CPS Co-design for UAV Networks,” invited presentation, in honor of Dr. Frank Lewis’ 70th Birthday, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2019.
- Participated in Full-scale Disaster Exercise with the UAV-based on-demand emergency communication technology, Denton, May 2019.
- Invited by NSF Science Nation for project demonstration, April 2019.
- Invited by UTARI Open House with presentation, April 2019.
- “Scalable Uncertainty-Exploited Control in Distributed Learning and Games,” Invited Presentation at ARO workshop on Distributed Reinforcement Learning and Graphical Games, April 2019.
- Visited Japan with NSF for the NSF-JST collaboration on Big Data for Future IoT, and presented “The CPS Co-Design for UAV Networks,” March 2019.
- “UAV Networks for Emergency Communication,” invited demonstration at the E week and robotics week, Perot Museum of Nature and Science, February 2019.
- “UAV Networks for Emergency Communication,” invited demonstration at IEEE-Student Professional Awareness Conference (SPAC), February 2019.
- “On the UAS Autonomy and Airspace Safety”, invited presentation at Workshop on Recent Developments on Autonomy and Security of Cyber-Physical Systems, CPS PI meeting, November, 2018.
- Demonstration at the CPS PI meeting, November, 2018.
- “Safe Integration of UAS into the National Airspace System”, invited presentation at Kansas University, October 2018.
- Demonstrated of UAV-based on-demand emergency communication at the Denton Public Safety Day, September 2018.
- “Aerial Networking using Directional Antennas with Application to On-Demand Emergency Communication,” TSDOS, September 2018.
- “A Day of Control Engineering Girls,” invited presentation at Girlengineering Summer Program, UTA, August 2018.
- “Safe Integration of UAS into the National Airspace System”, Invited presentation at the Mathworks Research Faculty Summer Summit, Boston, June 2018.
- Participated in Full-scale Disaster Exercise with the UAV-based on-demand emergency communication technology, Denton, May 2018.
- “On the Structural Perspective of Communication Effectiveness for Quantized Consensus in Layered UAV Networks”, The 2nd International Symposium on Autonomous Systems, 2018 ISAS, May 2018.
- “Safe Integration of UAS into the National Airspace System”, Invited presentation at the Workshop on Autonomous System, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, March 2018.
- “Learning-based Control for Large-scale Dynamical Networks,” invited presentation in the NSF workshop Real-time Learning and Decision Making in Dynamical Systems, Alexandria, VA, February 2018.
- “Safe Integration of UAS into the National Airspace System,” invited presentation at the NSF CPS PI MEETING CPS Challenges for Unmanned and Autonomous Systems Workshop organized by Dr. Gurdip, November 2017.
- “Emergency Response: Lessons Learned from Harvey and Opportunities to Success,” invited presentation in 2017 National Workshop on Developing a Research Agenda for Connected Rural Communities, September 2017.
- Demonstrated of UAV-based on-demand emergency communication at the Denton Public Safety Day, September 2017.
- Invited talk and demonstration on “Aerial Communication Infrastructure for Smart Emergency Response” at GCTC Expo, Washington D.C., August 2017.
- “Co-design of Networking and Decentralized Control to enable a Safe Airspace under Uncertainty,” Invited presentation at UTARI, August 2017.
- Participated in Full-scale Disaster Exercise with the UAV-based on-demand emergency communication technology, Denton, May 2017.
- “Co-design of Networking and Decentralized Control to enable a Safe Airspace under Uncertainty,” Invited presentation at Texas Systems Day, March 2017.
- Participated in Big X Functional & Full Scale Training Exercise with the UAV-based on-demand emergency communication technology, November 2016.
- “Aerial communication infrastructure for smart emergency response,” invited presentation at NSF CPS PI meeting, October 2016.
- Invited demonstration on the UAV-based on-demand emergency communication technology at Denton Makers Fair, Denton, October 2016.
- Invited demonstration on the UAV-based on-demand emergency communication technology at Air Research Consortium, TCU, October 2016.
- Invited demonstration on the UAV-based on-demand emergency communication technology at Denton Public Safety Day, Denton, September 2016.
- “Aerial Networking using Directional Antennas with Application to On-Demand Emergency Communication,” Invited talk at AIAA 2016 Intelligent Systems Workshop at NASA Langley, August, 2016.
- Invited to participate in the Advanced Wireless Workshop with the UAV-based on-demand emergency communication technology, D.C., July 2016.
- Invited demonstration at GCTC Expo, Austin, June 2016, for the SERS team, including team members from University of North Texas, Mathworks, Denton Fire Department, Austin Fire Department, and North Central Texas Council of Government.
- “Bridging Big Data Analytics with Real-time Decision Making for Large-scale Cyber-Physical Systems,” invited presentation at the JST-NSF Big Data Joint Workshop/Symposium at the University of Tokyo, May 2016.
- Participated in the Denton disaster drill on the use of UAVs for search and rescue operations, May 2016. The drill demonstrated the capability of drone technology in support of mass search and rescue operations at the onset of the emergency.
- “Decision-making under Uncertainty for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Smart City Applications,” University of Virginia, May 2016.
- “The Role of Drones in Disaster Response,” invited demonstration in the 2016 Emergency Preparedness Summit invited by deputy district director, April 2016.
- “Decision-making under Uncertainty for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Smart City Applications,” Oregon State University, April 2016.
- “Decision-making under Uncertainty for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Smart City Applications,” Wayne State University, April 2016.
- “Decision-making under Uncertainty for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Smart City Applications,” University of Texas Arlington, April 2016.
- Invited demonstration at SXSW on the UAV-based on-demand emergency communication technology, Austin, TX, April 2016.
- “Decision-making under Uncertainty for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Smart City Applications,” San Jose State University, CA, March 2016.
- “Aerial Communication Infrastructure for Smart Emergency Response”, invited demonstration at the 2015 Defense Innovation Challenge, Austin, TX, December 2015.
- “Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems: Uncertainty, Decision, and Smart City Applications,” invited talk at University of Texas Arlington, November 2015.
- “Drone-carried Wi-Fi Communication Infrastructure for Emergency Response,” UNT Board of Regents Meeting, invited demonstration by UNT President and Chancellor, November 2015.
- “Aerial Communication Infrastructure for Smart Emergency Response”, poster and demonstration, NSF CPS PI Meeting, November, 2014.
- Third Prize GENI demonstration award in GEC 21 on the UAV-based on-demand emergency communication technology, Indiana University, IN, October 2014.
- “Wi-Fi drone”, invited demonstration at Hewlett-Packard (HP) “Bring Your Children to Work Day”, August 2015.
- “Simulation and Control Systems Design,” invited talk at the First Workshop of Implementing and monitoring a sustainable desalination pilot-scale plant, by Institute of International Education (IIE), Global Innovation Initiative (GII), University of North Texas, University College London, and State University of Ponta Grossa, August 2015.
- Invited by the British Embassy to participate in the workshop UK-US Next-generation Air Traffic Control Systems Opportunities for Improved Research Collaboration with the strategic air traffic management technology, June 2015
- “Smart Emergency Response System”, invited talk at Mathworks Summer Research Faculty Summit, June 2015
- Invited by the Netherland Embassy to participate in the workshop Global Smart City & Community Coalition: building a global partnership to accelerate collaboration and smart city deployments with the UAV-based on-demand emergency communication technology, June 2015.
- “Smart Emergency Response System”, invited talk and demonstration at Global City Team Challenge Expo, June 2015.
- “Wi-Fi drone”, invited demonstration at 2015 Latina/o and Mexican-American Studies (LMAS) Program Student Conference, April 2015.
- “Dynamical-Network Evaluation and Design Tools for Strategic-to-Tactical Air Traffic Flow Management”, poster and demonstration, NSF CPS PI Meeting, November, 2014.
- “Decision Making for Large-scale Dynamical Networks under Uncertainty”, invited talk at IEEE MetroCon, October 2, 2014.
- ”Drone-carried on-demand WiFi Communication Infrastructure”, invited demonstration at US Ignite Application Summit, June 2014.
- “Strategic Air Traffic Management under Uncertainty”, invited talk at Mathworks Research Faculty Summit, June 2014.
- ”Drone-carried on-demand WiFi Communication Infrastructure”, invited demonstration at SmartAmerica Challenge Expo, D.C., June 2014.
- “Drone-carried on-demand WiFi Communication Infrastructure”, invited talk and demonstration at University of Washington, Seattle, May 2014.
- “Cyber-physical System Foundation to Enable Robust Airborne Networking in the National Airspace System”, NSF CPS Transportation Workshop, January 2014.
- “Dynamical-Network Evaluation and Design Tools for Strategic-to-Tactical Air Traffic Flow Management”, poster, NSF CPS PI Meeting, October, 2013.
- “Integrated Testbeds to Enable Robust Airborne Networking”, SmartAmerica Challenge Workshop on CPS, December 2013.
- “Decision-making in Large-scale Dynamical Networks: Modeling, Evaluation, Estimation, and Control”, invited talk at University of Texas Arlington, September 2013.
- “Decision-making in Large-scale Dynamical Networks: Modeling, Evaluation, Estimation, and Control”, invited talk at NIST, April 2013.
- “Methods for Strategic Air Traffic Management under Uncertainty”, invited talk at MITRE, March 2013.
- “Decision Making in Large-scale Dynamical Networks Under Uncertainty,” invited talk at Nonlinear Laboratory, Physics Department, UNT, December, 2012.
- “Dynamical-Network Evaluation and Design Tools for Strategic-to-Tactical Air Traffic Flow Management”, poster, NSF CPS PI Meeting, October, 2012.
- “Decision Making for Large-scale Dynamical Networks under Uncertainty”, invited talk at the Second Annual MEE Research Forum, UNT, September 18, 2012.
- “Decision Making under Uncertainty with Application to Air Traffic Management, invited talk at the 2nd Young Investigator Conference, Stanford, CA, July 2012.
- “Performance Evaluation and Optimal Decision-making for Strategic Air Traffic Management Under Weather Uncertainty”, invited talk at MITRE, June 2012.
- “Advance Queueing Approach to the Evaluation and Design of Strategic Flow Contingency Management Strategies,” invited talk at Washington State University, August, 2011.
- “Dynamical-Network Evaluation and Design Tools for Strategic-to-Tactical Air Traffic Flow Management”, poster, CPS PI Meeting, August, 2011.
- “Advance Queueing Approach to the Evaluation and Design of Strategic Flow Contingency Management Strategies,” invited talk at the MITRE Corporation, May, 2011.
- “On the Design and Control of Dynamical Networks”, invited talk at Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems (CoVIS) Lab, Computer Science Department, UNT, February, 2010.
- “New Paradigms for Design and Control of Dynamical Networks”, Baylor University, February 2009.
- “New Paradigms for Design and Control of Dynamical Networks, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, February, 2009.
- “New Paradigms for Design and Control of Dynamical Networks”, Clarkson University, January 2009.
- “New Paradigms for Design and Control of Dynamical Networks”, University of North Texas, January 2009.
- “New Paradigms for Design and Control of Dynamical Networks”, University of California Santa Barbara, August, 2008.
- Invited by Mathematica for a demonstration on an optimal network resource allocation algorithm in the Wolfram Demonstrations Project, named “dynamical network design for controlling virus spread”.
Community Service
- Served as Founding advisor for UTA EE Autonobot Club, 2021-present
- Organized the student competition Networked Computing on the Edge for the CPS-IoT Conference, May 2021. Link
- AIAA STEM K-12 Committee Working Group, 2020-present
- Drone Policy and Procedure Committee, UTA, 2019-present
- Served as Judge committee chair for the poster competition at 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2020.
- Organized the special track student competition for the 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Boston, MA, July 6-10, 2020.
- Member of the North Texas Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Safety and Integration Task Force, DFW, 2019-Present
- 2019 Vertical Robotics Competition Planning Committee, 2019
- Led a UTA team for AFRL Swarm and AI Challenge, 2019
- Member of the Air Quality Consortium, Dallas, TX, 2016-2018
- Led the Smart Emergency Response Team (SERS) to participate in Global City Team Challenge, 2015-2017
- Advisor for UNT student Chapter of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, 2012-2016
- Judge for IEEE Region 5 Electronic Circuit Design Competition, 2010