
We sincerely acknowledge National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), IEEE Control Systems Society (IEEE CSS), Office of Naval Research (ONR), Army Research Office (ARO), Ford, Toyota, Lockheed, and the MITRE Corporation (subcontract from FAA) for research supports, and NVIDIA, L-3, DJI, and Rockwell Automation for equipment donations.

Research Area

The research focus of the lab lies in the modeling, evaluation, and control of large-scale dynamical networks, cyber-physical systems, stochastic networks, decentralized control, learning control, networking, uncertainty analysis, algebraic graph theory, and their applications to urban aerial mobility, autonomous driving, robot networking, and air traffic management.

  •  Large-scale Dynamical Networks
  •  Stochastic Network Modeling and Analysis
  •  Cyber-Physical Systems
  •  Decentralized Control
  •  Stochastic Control
  •  Uncertainty Quantification
  •  Learning Control and Graphical Games
  •  Air Traffic Management
  •  UAV Traffic Management
  •  Sensor/Robot/UAV Networking
  •  Advanced Manufacturing
  •  Systems Biology

Funded Projects

  1. UTA REU: Robot Localization and Navigation by Fusing Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) Sensing Data, 11/01/2020-08/31/2021, PI, collaboration with Frank L. Lewis (Co-PI).
  2. UTA REU: Implementation of Integral Reinforcement Learning‐Based Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles, 11/01/2020-08/31/2021, Co-PI, collaboration with Frank L. Lewis (PI).
  3. ONR: University – Navy Research Collaboration on Energy Resiliency, 9/15/2020-9/14/2022, UTA PI, collaboration with Stony Brook University and University of Virginia.
  4. Toyota: Mathematical Approval of a mmWave Scheduler, 10/2020-09/2021, Sole PI.
  5. ARO: Graphical Games and Distributed Reinforcement Learning Control in Human- networked Multi-group Societies, 06/01/2020-05/31/2023, Co-PI, collaboration with Frank Lewis (PI) and Ali Davoudi (co-PI).
  6. NSF: CPS Transition to Practice: Supplement to CAREER: Co-Design of Networking and Decentralized Control to Enable Aerial Networks in an Uncertain Airspace, 08/30/2019-08/31/2021, Sole PI.
  7. Ford: Fast Autonomous Driving Decision based on Learning and Rule-based Cognitive Information, 2019-2022, Co-PI, collaboration with Frank Lewis (PI).
  8. ONR: Optimal Design for Assured Performance of Interactive Multibody Systems: Guaranteed Controls for Multi-pursuers, Estimation, Optimal Learning, Scalable Uncertainty Sampling, and Time-critical Communication, 06/01/2018-05/31/2022, Co-PI, collaboration with Frank Lewis (PI).
  9. NSF: Real-Time: Collaborative Research: Unified Theory of Model-based and Data-driven Real-time Optimization and Control for Uncertain Networked Systems, 09/15/2018-08/31/2021, Co-PI, collaboration with Frank Lewis (PI) and Ali Davoudi (Co-PI).
  10. NSF CI-New: Collaborative Research: Developing an Open Networked Airborne Computing Platform, 09/01/2017-08/31/2021, Lead Institution PI, collaboration with TAMU-CC, UNT, and UPRM.
  11. NSF S&AS: FND: Safe Task-Aware Autonomous Resilient Systems (STAARS), 09/01/2017-08/31/2021, Co-PI, collaboration with Atilla Dogan (PI), Kamesh Subbarao, and Manfred Huber, and Brian Huff.
  12. NSF CAREER: Co-design of Networking and Decentralized Control to Enable Aerial Networks in an Uncertain Airspace, 06/01/2015-05/31/2022, Sole PI.
  13. ARO: Workshop on Distributed Reinforcement Learning and Reinforcement Learning Games, 2019, Co-PI, collaboration with Frank Lewis (PI).
  14. Lockheed: Heterogeneous Autonomous Networks for Sensor Optimizing Locomotion, 02/15/2019 – 10/27/2019, Co-PI, collaboration with Frank Lewis (PI).
  15. Newcastle, Autonomous and Proximal Delivery System for Emergency Services and Military Usage, 11/01/2018-02/30/2019, Co-PI, collaboration with Aditya Das (PI).
  16. University of Texas Systems STARS-Engineering Implementation Award, 2016-2019, PI.
  17. NSF CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Threat-Assessment Tools for Management-Coupled Cyber- and Physical- Infrastructure, 09/15/2015-08/30/2019, UNT Sole PI, collaboration with Washington State University (Lead Institution) and Missouri Institute of Science and Technology.
  18. UTA REU: Intelligent UAV Networking to Achieve Fast Collision Avoidance, 2017-2018, PI, collaboration with Frank L. Lewis (Co-PI).
  19. UTA REU: Distributed Control for Autonomy and Resiliency in Reconfigurable Unmanned Aerial Systems, 2017-2018, Co-PI, collaboration with Frank L. Lewis (PI).
  20. NSF EAGER Supplement, US-Japan Collaboration, UNT Subcontract, $8,750, 01/2018-05/2018, PI.
  21. NSF EAGER: Aerial Communication Infrastructure for Smart Emergency Response, 06/06/15 – 05/31/18, PI, collaboration with UNT.
  22. Tech Titan of the Future – University Level award, August 2015, PI, collaboration with UNT.
  23. NSF I-Corps: Drone-Carried WiFi Communication Infrastructure, 02/2015-12/2015, Co-PI, collaboration with UNT.
  24. NIST: Run-Time Detection and Control in Complex Information Networks, 09/2013-08/2016, Sole PI.
  25. NSF MobiHoc Workshop on Airborne Networks and Communications, 07/2014-12/2015, Co-PI, collaboration with PI (Kamesh Namuduri) and Co-PI (Mahadeven Gomathisankaran).
  26. MITRE Contract (Original support from the Federal Aviation Agency as subcontract through the Mitre Corporation with annual expenditures exceeding $1,000,000 at the Mitre Corporation managed through C. Taylor and C. Wanke): Stochastic weather-impact modeling for flow-contingency planning at a strategic time horizon (Task Order 1-5), 06/01/2010 – 09/30/2015, PI, with subcontract to Washington State University.
  27. UNT IGRO Global Discovery Grant: UNT-China Collaboration Initiative: International Workshop on Airborne Networks, 05/2014-12/2014, PI, collaboration with UNT.
  28. NSF CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: Dynamical-network evaluation and design tools for strategic-to-tactical air traffic flow management, 09/01/2010 – 08/31/2014, Lead Institution PI, collaboration with Purdue University and Washington State University.
  29. NSF Workshop on Airborne Networks and Communications, 06/01/2013-05/31/2014, Co-PI, collaboration with PI (Kamesh Namuduri) and Co-PI (Mahadeven Gomathisankaran).
  30. NSF REU: Dynamical-network evaluation and design tools for strategic-to-tactical air traffic flow management, 05/01/2012-08/31/2014, Sole PI.
  31. UNT ROP, Mobility-driven Framework to Enable Robust Airborne Networking, 09/01/2013-08/31/2014, PI, collaboration with Co-PIs Kamesh Namuduri and Shengli Fu.
  32. IEEE CSS Outreach Fund: Summer Training Experience for K-12 Teachers in Control Engineering, 05/01/13-04/30/2014, PI, collaboration with Co-PIs Miguel Acevedo, Shengli Fu, Thompson, and Hoeinghaus.
  33. NSF RET: Research Experiences for Teachers in Sensor Networks, 07/2013, Faculty Mentor (100%), collaboration with PI.
  34. NSF EAGER: Collaborative Research: Stochastic Environmental-Impact Modeling for Automated Decision-Making in Infrastructure Networks: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, 09/2010-08/2013, Lead Institution PI, collaboration with Washington State University.
  35. UNT RIG: On the design of practical consensus building strategies in distributed sensor network, 01/01/12- 08/31/12, PI, collaboration with Co-PIs (Kamesh Namuduri and Shengli Fu).
  36. UNT RIG: Layered Network Models for Avian Influenza: Comprehensive Modeling and Inference, 01/01/11 – 12/31/11, Sole PI.
  37. UNT Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship: Developing Tools for Collaborative Strategic-to-Tactical Air Traffic Flow Management, 06/01/10 – 08/30/10, Sole PI.